NYE 2016 Resolution #1
Well with my first official blog post out of the way, let discuss my New Year’s resolutions for 2016. #1. Keep a Journal One of the things that annoy me the most about my old journals or blogs is that every single post or entry was dripping with trigger words that only I completely understood yet vague to the point where anyone else reading wouldn’t. This arrangement suited me because at the time, I may have been suffering from an internal conflict and wanted to express myself through an outlet without anyone really understanding or knowing. That would worked I told myself. But sometimes, I just want to be direct and concise. I want to work on expressing my ideas, in written form, and not care what others may think about me. I wanted to finally just be myself. So my plans is to write an open journal. A blog with no frills, no posts that attempt to tip toe around the subject. Just posts that show how I actually felt. And maybe the occasionally random rant. It’s funny because ...