
Showing posts from May, 2023

Wedding Blues

 Hey andy here. Currently back in San Diego just came back from Norco relaxing a little bit after dinner. Since our last Adventures on Saturday we had lunch got rest up a little bit and then prepare for the next day which of the actual wedding. Now the wedding was out in the venue out in an outskirts of Mountain View after something they called Namrek Hall ceremony stuff was great, it was a bit chilly but the sun cast for a little bit so very nice beforehand before that we had some breakfast or lunch I guess with a couple of the group at Crepe vine. It was all right and I got myself a nice little po boy sandwich I got the cafe probably wouldn't it is what it is. No the wedding was actually gorgeous for Amy and Kelvin this is actually the second wedding being a COVID couple where the epidemic cause them to have issues. Like everything went along great they had live hot churros that delicious four different flavors, we, dancing brought in congo style and we were loud in table 21 tabl

Signing Out

  Hey hey Andy here is May 27th I just wanted to catch up on the day and a crazy day currently in San Jose at Holland and Brian's place yesterday was kind of whack you know like been pretty busy at work doing all these things and what happened was me Tiff came home we wanted to go get some dinner and suddenly there was a foul odor coming out it's worse than we went to my birthday dinner and I was like damn this thing before she didn't smell it oh man I think there's a dead animal in in their system somewhere so we got Joy's Dumpling House got a couple dishes to forgot everything she left her credit card there she left the dumplings at her parents place but that's another story for another time. So we get back home it's pretty late we're already late cuz I had a lot of work to do I love bugs to fix and we didn't even leave yet to LA to drop off Mr Fox before flying up to San Jose but I start taking out the air filter and the engine intake didn't s


  Hey hey Andy here just a brief update really digging my office we got some nice desks we got from the child auctions I was kind of those Jarvis raid up raiseable and be raisables tables. My nice little shelf up it has a bunch of memorabilia so you know just digging where I'm at right now my head space is a good place so we have a wedding this weekend up in San Jose with tiffs PA a friend Amy and her fiancĂ© Kelvin this is kind of like the last one we have for a little bit until chases at the end of later September but also San Jose. So hopefully it'll be fun it's going to be a car I feel like initial Impressions probably going to be some type of vietnamese wedding at a banquet with all the seafood and Catering that we usually see in these type of events I heard there's going to be a churro hour so we're going to go hard during that but yeah. And it's funny because we just saw them last months and slow for Geni and Sebastian's wedding so cool cool Bunch we f

Day Zero

  Hey there Andy Luo here trying to do something new, something different. this kind of new audio journaling and see how it goes. So where they want to start, let's see let's see how do I feel about work so far so currently I just hit my 37th birthday we went to a nice restaurant me and Tiff called Market and Street out in Del Mar. Nice three course fixed meal very nice very nice. And you know starting to feel a little old 37 hit my late 30s now definitely definitely definitely very different work has been pretty nice still working for Lattice remotely almost in my second anniversary it's been great remote work from home but you know we have a job we still have a house see where we go from here. So a cool thing that we just got in the mail is for their 100 million ARR last year that's a customizing some nice shoes and it just got finally got shipped about maybe 6 months late so I know the saying, better late than never but either way its pretty sick it's Adidas supe