Wedding Blues

 Hey andy here. Currently back in San Diego just came back from Norco relaxing a little bit after dinner. Since our last Adventures on Saturday we had lunch got rest up a little bit and then prepare for the next day which of the actual wedding. Now the wedding was out in the venue out in an outskirts of Mountain View after something they called Namrek Hall ceremony stuff was great, it was a bit chilly but the sun cast for a little bit so very nice beforehand before that we had some breakfast or lunch I guess with a couple of the group at Crepe vine. It was all right and I got myself a nice little po boy sandwich I got the cafe probably wouldn't it is what it is. No the wedding was actually gorgeous for Amy and Kelvin this is actually the second wedding being a COVID couple where the epidemic cause them to have issues. Like everything went along great they had live hot churros that delicious four different flavors, we, dancing brought in congo style and we were loud in table 21 table 22 and it was great fun. Now the weird parts tiff got a little too Tipsy and in between after I started eating my churros after I had my filters she she turned around she start putting her head down and she was a little sick like Tiff you okay baby and she said Okay and she told me she threw up in the bathroom all right all right so she'll be okay. That was my mistake. Tiff turn around when when the duck custard cake came and she threw up on my left pants leg and woo killed my night. But after that she was okay she started still recover we walked around the venue a few times seems like everyone else got f***** up. It was this double shot of the 1738 I almost I wasn't feeling the very best at the end another Margarita will probably destroyed me so luckily I didn't take that I had to we had to go back try to get washed washing right I'm actually washing right now but yeah I got to get that stuff done out of here. So yes that was the trip next day we were able to get some go to the next restaurant hey about $56 for some fun some kind of fried shrimp cake stuff man Northern California prices right am I right am I right only almost 20 bucks for Vietnamese cuisine, that nuts. Anyways an airplane back we stopped we're able to stop by the lounge for a little bit got some little snackies I think it take out myself a little truly thing going from crazy it was a nice little stuff but other than that we were only there for about 20-30 minutes you had to go on to the airplane and lo and behold on the airplane ride we see Brenton and his newly married wife and yeah that was the first time I've seen him in like maybe 5 6 years it would have been the hell a long time. But it is what it is and glad to hear he's doing okay buy a house in Monterey Park and us were back in SD so very nice so Tiff parents take this up at the airport the airport is so small keep forgetting there's no Runway there's no tarmac you're just on the ground walking back into the interstates and you know it's kind of nice sometimes you know I'm not going to lie. Anyways Tiff parents picked us up so we're heading back trip took a while they're definitely Troopers cuz I was like at least 30 to 35 minute drive out back from Burbank too kind of like the Baldwin Park though i'll give them props. Anyways we we start heading back down trip wasn't too bad had a couple stops but other than that smooth sailing we, supercharger station in Poway and it was pretty nice Tiff went in and got some grocery that vine we got back home. Not us talking about it I forgot that we have the credit card just at the restaurant that we ate at on Friday so we still need to get that maybe tomorrow. But I guess today it's going to chill the Miami Heat just eliminated Boston Celtics in Game 7 so you know you know definitely hardcore Celtic haters in this in this household so yeah they're that. Anyways going to relax a bit now I got some long week of work and some cleaning up for my car from the mountains so see how that goes thanks again bye.

Chatgpt Summary

Andy recently returned to San Diego after a trip to Norco. After resting and preparing for a wedding, he attended the ceremony at Namrek Hall in Mountain View. The wedding was beautiful, with live hot churros and dancing. However, his friend Tiff got too tipsy and ended up vomiting on Andy's pants. Despite that, they enjoyed the rest of the evening and walked around the venue. The next day, they had a meal at a restaurant, which was expensive, and then headed back home by airplane. On the flight, Andy unexpectedly ran into his friend Brenton and his newly married wife. They had not seen each other in years. After landing in San Diego, Tiff's parents picked them up from the small airport, and they drove back home. They made a stop at a supercharger station in Poway, and Tiff went grocery shopping. Andy realized they left their credit card at a restaurant they visited on Friday and planned to retrieve it later. Finally, Andy mentioned that he's looking forward to relaxing before a busy workweek and cleaning his car from the trip.
